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UniPlus Health was founded in 2020 by doctors, thinking in practicing their passion, Medicine. We are a primary care office serving those patients looking for comprehensive, relational care with their doctor.
UniPlus was born as an alternative medical provider for Hilton Head Island, and Bluffton residents, seeking to provide affordable health care while our core values focus on getting to know our patients on an individual basis and treat everyone with dignity and respect.
UniPlus Health (“UniPlus”) is a hybrid model of Direct Primary Care (“DPC”) service provider located in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina (“HHI”). For payments, UniPlus will accept traditional insurance or offer a monthly membership fee in exchange for personalized and patient-focused physician services.
Core Values
Passion for care
We are here to listen, understand, and assist. Showing love and compassion for the people we serve is our manner of saying thank you for the opportunity trusted in us by our patients. We work with intended empathy for the wellbeing of our patients. Our team rejoices when our patient’s health needs are met, achieving the feeling of purpose and service.
We honor the sacredness and dignity of those we serve. We encourage families, respecting their boundaries, and needs. We value every member of the organization, patients, and communities, supporting the balance of healthy lifestyles, recognizing it is required to integrate work and life.
We take pride in doing what is always honest and fair. We are responsible for building trustful relations in every situation with a righteous attitude. Embrace responsibility, be accountable, acknowledging that our behavior affects others’ experiences, and act in ways that are kind and respectful to all.
We are focused upon continuous improvement as an organization and as individuals. Positive people with broad minds, working together to achieve higher standards. We are encouraging innovation, adaptability to changes, and willingness to take new risks. Always welcoming new ideas, treasuring knowledge, and lifelong learning.
We foster a collaborative culture, promoting the value of all individual contributions for their ideas, unique talents, and perspectives. We encourage an environment of mutual respect, support, and communication. We cultivate meaningful relationships to engage in creating positive outcomes, empowering all members of the team.
Join Our Membership Today and Enjoy These Benefits!
Same-day or next-day appointments, guaranteed, regardless of urgency.
Unlimited clinic appointments with no additional or unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. No co-pays, ever.
Unlimited telehealth visits as needed when traveling or as needed.
Comprehensive annual physicals exams or well-visits with body composition analysis, when needed.
Chronic disease management (such as diabetes, hypertension, COPD, asthma, hyperlipidemia).
Chronic pain management (excluding chronic controlled substance use).
Access to many common generic prescription medications which UniPlus will be able to offer at wholesale prices.*
On-site medical services or procedures such as EKGs, diagnostic ultrasounds, and x-rays.*
Routine lab services (such as CBC, metabolic panel, urinalysis, PSA, glucose, drug screening, strep, and Papanicolaou test). *
Minor procedures (such as biopsy, splinting, wart removal, and suturing).
Physician coordination and oversight with third-party specialists or pre- and post-hospital visits.
Health immigration services.** (not included)
Availability to Spanish-speaking physicians.
Other services including occupational medicine consultation, complex care coordination, immunizations, pulmonary function testing, urine pregnancy tests, and athletic physicals. *
Point of care ultrasound usage for diagnosis.
Visit our Services page or contact us for more information on excluded services.
Unsure about joining? We also treat non-members
Clinic Fees (non-insurance and non-members)
- Office visit: estimated $160 per visit, not including additional treatments or services such as ultrasounds, labs, x-rays, and prescriptions.
We are Located on Hilton Head Island
35 Bill Fries, Building J
Hilton Head Island SC 29926